Distinctive Features of Mini Batching Plant:

1. Concrete can be easily discharged into dumpers by making use of the Robomix, fitted with a drum mixer for any job sites.

2. It can be discharged into a single hydraulically operated hatch with an adjustable heights by making use of the Robomescolatore, fitted with a Pan mixer for precast yards.

3. We can also use the Hydromix dry batching plants, fitted with conveyor belt discharge systems for conventional truck mixers and Bin-Fed batching plants which are easily transportable with full automation, having their own hydraulic off-loading legs with the capability of producing outputs of up to 40m3 per hour.

4. Addition to it, these mini batching plant can be customized for construction industry specifications, with accessories added such as: ad-mixture plants, low-level or upright cement silos, aggregate feeders and water chillers.

5. Fewer concrete mixer trucks for transition will be used if concrete batch plants are arranged around construction sites, this will reduce the cost of fuel, equipment and labor that will lead to savings.

mini batching plant

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